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Grandma, Will you come to see me?

 He was sitting alone, feeling remorse for remembering the mistakes of his past. He just could not turn back the clock and go back to the people he had driven away in the past, but he regretted the passing of time. Could do nothing but He was lost in his thoughts when someone called him and said: If you want to eat now, come, I will not give it to you later, then stay hungry ...

He had just taken the first bite of food when he remembered his grandmother who used to feed him with her own hands as a child and when he did not eat she would go hungry herself. His grandmother raised him as both a mother and a father, but unfortunately he realized this too late.

      Remember the past 

   is torment O Lord 

   Take away my memory

Lenin was born in Bristol, a village in New York. He always saw his parents fighting. He was only nine years old when his parents separated. All of this had a negative effect on his mind. He lost faith in relationships, he became a stubborn and arbitrary person. Mrs. Tyson was often offended by her narration and explained it to her, but it did not reach her ears.

Mrs. Tyson was a brave, fearless and courageous woman. She always bravely faced every adversity but the circumstances made her very tired. Her son and daughter-in-law were separated, and a few years later her son died of a heart attack. Her only grandson, Lenin, survived. She loved Lenin and always had him in front of her eyes. Lenin's only support was his grandmother, but he never cared for her.

Time passed at its own pace ... Lenin is no longer a young child, he is a young man of twenty-six who was convinced to live his life as he wished. Over time, Mrs. Tyson also grew very old. She could not see well, she needed Lenin now. Lenin was very upset about this. He spent all his time outside the house, he had no time for his grandmother, Mrs. Tyson always complained to him about it.

Eventually fed up, he sent his grandmother to an old age home. Mrs. Tyson spent the rest of her life at the old home, always remembering Lenin and saying, "My Lenin can't leave me here. You see, he will come back, but his wait is in vain." Life ended in the same old home.

Time flies ... And Lenin entered the stage of life that Mrs. Tyson had gone through. He remembered what her grandmother had said and was very upset. He was very sorry for his decision. His wrong decision had made his life very difficult. He committed a sin and was now living his life with its consequences. Mistakes can be forgiven, but sins must be atoned for. He also had to atone for his sin, he was now feeling the loneliness and pain of his grandmother's life but now it was too late, he had nothing to control. He would just stare at the walls day and night and become depressed at the memory of his grandmother.

There may be a delay in paying the price for sins, but it cannot be avoided. Man's sins follow him like a shadow and it does not give up until he gives an account of his sins. Man has to pay the price of his sins in every situation, even if he wants, he can't escape. Lenin also had to pay the price for his sins. He did not know how terrible the consequences would be.

As Lenin grew older, his health deteriorated, and his son and daughter-in-law were fed up of him. His daughter-in-law taunted him day and night and his son did not talk to him at all. Whenever he called his son, he would say: "My time is precious, I can't waste it sitting next to you." Eventually, his son decided to take him to an old age home at his wife's request. Lenin became very sad. He said to his son: "My dear Son! How can I live there alone? I can't live without you. How can you do this to me?" His son said that many more people like you live there, you will live too, it is not a big deal.

His son came to drop him off at the old home. It was the same old home where he came to leave his grandmother thirty-five years ago. He could see all those scenes in front of his eyes, he could hear the cry of his grandmother. Lenin's grandmother was shouting at him, "Lenin, don't leave your grandmother here alone, your grandmother will die. Don't leave me here, Lenin, I don't want to live here. Take me with you, I will never bother you. Lenin! Will you come to see me? "
